8 research outputs found

    Average soil water potential measured at weekly intervals by water mark sensors at 0.30 m and 0.60 m soil depth on water stressed and non-stressed treatments.

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    <p>Average soil water potential measured at weekly intervals by water mark sensors at 0.30 m and 0.60 m soil depth on water stressed and non-stressed treatments.</p

    Summary of mean squares and significant tests of combining ability effects for tuber yield and growth traits under water stressed conditions for potato families evaluated at Adet, Ethiopia.

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    <p>Summary of mean squares and significant tests of combining ability effects for tuber yield and growth traits under water stressed conditions for potato families evaluated at Adet, Ethiopia.</p

    Summary mean squares and significance tests of combining ability effects for yield and growth traits under water stress conditions on potato families tested in set I and set II at Adet, Ethiopia.

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    <p>Summary mean squares and significance tests of combining ability effects for yield and growth traits under water stress conditions on potato families tested in set I and set II at Adet, Ethiopia.</p

    Genotypic correlation between yield, growth and physiological parameters on tuber families, parental clones and checks grown under water stressed (below diagonal) and well-watered (above diagonal) conditions at Adet, Ethiopia in 2014/15.

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    <p>Genotypic correlation between yield, growth and physiological parameters on tuber families, parental clones and checks grown under water stressed (below diagonal) and well-watered (above diagonal) conditions at Adet, Ethiopia in 2014/15.</p